Food Stamped
“Food Stamped” is a captivating and amusing documentary that chronicles the journey of a couple striving to maintain a nutritious and balanced diet while living on a food stamp budget. Shira Potash, a nutrition educator, conducts cooking classes focused on nutrition for elementary students in low-income areas, many of whom qualify for food stamps. To truly understand their experience, Shira and her husband, a documentary filmmaker, take on the food stamp challenge, attempting to live on about one dollar per meal. Throughout their journey, they engage with food justice advocates, nutrition specialists, politicians, and individuals who rely on food stamps, aiming to deeply explore the daily challenges faced by low-income Americans in securing three wholesome meals.
Genre: Documentary, News
Director: Shira Potash, Yoav Potash
Actors: Shira Potash, Yoav Potash
Country: United States of America
Company: Summit Pictures