Set in the 1950s, this film follows a group of teenage girls in upstate New York who form a secret society to challenge the oppressive forces in their lives. As they navigate the complexities of friendship and rebellion, their actions lead to unforeseen consequences. Directed by Laurent Cantet, the movie explores themes of empowerment and social justice. While it may not have garnered major awards, it offers a compelling narrative and can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Laurent Cantet
Actors: Alexandria Ferguson, Chelsee Livingston, Claire Mazerolle, Katie Coseni, Lindsay Rolland-Mills, Madeleine Bisson, Paige Moyles, Rachael Nyhuus, Raven Adamson, Tamara Hope
Country: Canada, France, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Company: Haut et Court, Memento Films International, The Film Farm
Worldwide Gross: $548,579