In this 1996 drama directed by Annette Haywood-Carter, a group of high school girls in the Pacific Northwest form an unlikely bond after standing up against a teacher’s inappropriate behavior. The film explores themes of friendship, empowerment, and rebellion as the girls navigate the complexities of adolescence and societal expectations. Notably, the movie features a young Angelina Jolie in one of her early roles, showcasing her burgeoning talent. While it did not receive any major awards, it remains a cult favorite for its portrayal of teenage camaraderie and defiance. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Drama, Romance, Thriller
Director: Annette Haywood-Carter
Actors: Angelina Jolie, Cathy Moriarty, Dash Mihok, Elden Henson, Hedy Burress, Jenny Lewis, Jenny Shimizu, Michelle Brookhurst, Peter Facinelli, Sarah Rosenberg
Country: United States of America
Company: Chestnut Hill Productions, Red Mullet Productions, Rysher Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $269,300