Frank And Lola
In this intense psychological drama, the story revolves around a passionate yet tumultuous relationship between a talented chef, Frank, and a mysterious young woman, Lola. As their bond deepens, secrets from Lola’s past begin to surface, leading Frank into a web of obsession and revenge. The film stars Michael Shannon and Imogen Poots, whose performances bring depth to this gripping narrative. Directed by Matthew Ross, the movie delves into themes of trust and betrayal. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Romance
Director: Matthew Ross
Actors: Alex Lombard, Amy Argyle, Emmanuelle Devos, Imogen Poots, Joel Virgel, Justin Long, Laine Rettmer, Michael Nyqvist, Michael Shannon, Rosanna Arquette
Country: United States of America
Company: FullDawa Films, Killer Films, Parts and Labor
Worldwide Gross: $9,188