In the early 1800s, Dr. Frankenstein, portrayed by Patrick Bergin (known for Sleeping with the Enemy), uncovers the secret to creating life, aiming to craft an ideal human—one who is strong, intelligent, and resistant to illness. However, an experiment in his lab goes awry, resulting in a monstrous being, played by Randy Quaid (from National Lampoon’s Vacation), which escapes into the night. Initially, Dr. Frankenstein hopes the creature will succumb to the harsh elements, but he soon realizes it survives and embarks on a quest to find it. The pursuit leads him to the Arctic, where a confrontation ensues to determine who will dominate the other’s fate. The Houston Chronicle praises this adaptation, stating, “No one has ever made a Frankenstein like this, nor has anyone made a better one.”
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, TV Movie
Director: David Wickes
Actors: Fiona Gillies, Jacinta Mulcahy, John Mills, Lambert Wilson, Michael Gothard, Patrick Bergin, Randy Quaid, Ronald Leigh-Hunt, Timothy Stark, Vernon Dobtcheff
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Turner Pictures (I)