Frankenstein from the Royal Ballet
The 2016 film adaptation of “Frankenstein” by the Royal Ballet presents a captivating interpretation of Mary Shelley’s classic novel. This production combines the art of ballet with the haunting tale of Victor Frankenstein, a scientist who defies nature by creating life, only to face tragic consequences. The performance is a visual and emotional exploration of themes such as ambition, creation, and the human condition, brought to life through exquisite choreography and powerful storytelling.
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Director: Liam Scarlett, Ross MacGibbon
Actors: Alexander Campbell, Bennet Gartside, Christina Arestis, Elizabeth McGorian, Federico Bonelli, Guillem Cabrera Espinach, Laura Morera, Meaghan Grace Hinkis, Steven McRae, Thomas Whitehead
Country: United Kingdom
Company: A Royal Opera House Production