Set against the picturesque backdrop of Sintra, Portugal, this film follows the intertwining lives of a family gathered for a vacation. At the center is Frankie, portrayed by Isabelle Huppert, a renowned actress facing a personal crisis. The narrative unfolds over a single day, exploring themes of love, family, and the passage of time. Directed by Ira Sachs, the film features a strong ensemble cast, including Brendan Gleeson and Marisa Tomei. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Ira Sachs
Actors: Ariyon Bakare, Brendan Gleeson, Carloto Cotta, Greg Kinnear, Isabelle Huppert, Jérémie Renier, Marisa Tomei, Mikaela Lupu, Pascal Greggory, Vinette Robinson
Company: Beluga Tree, O Som e a Fúria, SBS Productions
Worldwide Gross: $725,642