Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter
In this chilling installment of the iconic horror franchise, the story picks up immediately after the events of the previous film, as the infamous masked killer, Jason Voorhees, is presumed dead and taken to the morgue. However, his reign of terror is far from over as he escapes and returns to Crystal Lake, targeting a group of unsuspecting teenagers staying at a nearby house. Directed by Joseph Zito, the film features a young Corey Feldman in a standout role, adding a unique dynamic to the narrative. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it remains a cult favorite among horror enthusiasts. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Joseph Zito
Actors: Barbara Howard, Clyde Hayes, Corey Feldman, Crispin Glover, Erich Anderson, Joan Freeman, Judie Aronson, Kimberly Beck, Lawrence Monoson, Peter Barton
Country: United States of America
Company: Georgetown Productions Inc., Paramount Pictures, Sean S. Cunningham Films
Worldwide Gross: $32,982,894