From Other Worlds
“From Other Worlds” is a science fiction comedy that follows a disheartened housewife from Brooklyn, who drifts aimlessly through her daily routine until she stumbles upon an extraterrestrial presence in her backyard. Teaming up with another person who has had similar encounters, an immigrant from Africa, she embarks on a quest to unravel the enigma of her alien experiences. Throughout her journey, she discovers love, rescues the Earth, and uncovers a renewed sense of purpose in her life.
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Genre: Comedy, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Barry Strugatz
Actors: Cara Buono, David Lansbury, Helen Hanft, Isaach De Bankolé, Jimmy Gary Jr., Melissa Leo, Paul Lazar, Quinn Shephard, Robert Peters, Rony Clanton
Country: United States of America
Company: Belladonna Productions