Frosty Returns
In this animated holiday special, a young girl named Holly and her friend Charles team up with a magical snowman to save their town from a snow-removal spray that threatens to eliminate winter fun. The film features the voice talents of Jonathan Winters and John Goodman, adding a touch of warmth and humor to the story. Directed by Bill Melendez, known for his work on Peanuts specials, the movie captures the spirit of the season with its charming animation and heartfelt message. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it remains a nostalgic favorite for many. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Animation, Christmas, Family, TV Movie
Director: Bill Melendez, Evert Brown
Actors: Andrea Martin, Brian Doyle-Murray, Elisabeth Moss, Gail Lynch, Jan Hooks, John Goodman, Jonathan Winters, Michael Patrick Carter, Phillip Glasser, Steve Stoliar