Fukufukusou no Fukuchan
Tatsuo Fukuda, affectionately known as “Fuku-chan” and portrayed by Miyuki Oshima, is a 32-year-old painter residing in the dilapidated Fukufuku Flats. He has lived there since relocating to Tokyo after completing junior high in the rural Tochigi Prefecture, maintaining the same job throughout. His routine involves laboring over building paintings during the day, resolving conflicts among his fellow residents at night, and spending his days off flying homemade kites by the river. Fuku-chan is well-liked for his fairness and kindness towards everyone, but when it comes to romance, he falters. This weakness leads to a disastrous date set up by his colleague Shimacchi, played by Yoshiyoshi Arakawa.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Yôsuke Fujita
Actors: Asami Mizukawa, Asato Iida, Miyuki Oshima, Tateto Serizawa, Yoshiyoshi Arakawa
Country: Japan
Company: Phantom Film, The Klockworx, Third Window Films