Furious 6
In this high-octane installment of the action-packed franchise, the team is called back into action to take down a skilled mercenary organization. The film features an ensemble cast including Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, and Dwayne Johnson, who deliver thrilling performances. Directed by Justin Lin, the movie is known for its breathtaking stunts and intense car chases. While it didn’t win any major awards, it was a commercial success and contributed to the series’ global popularity. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime, Thriller
Director: Justin Lin
Actors: Alex Martin, Alexander Vegh, Andrei Zayats, Andrew Koji, Andy Pointon, Benjamin Davies, Carolina Pozo, Catherine Delaloye, Clara Paget, David Ajala, Dean Barlage, Dwayne Johnson, Eddie Bagayawa, Elsa Pataky, Elvira Tricás, Françoise Philippart de Foy, Gal Gadot, Gemita Samarra, Gina Carano, Gintare Beinoraviciute, Huggy Leaver, Jason Statham, Jason Thorpe, Jhony Meñdez, Joe Taslim, John Ortiz, Jordana Brewster, Kim Kold, Laz Alonso, Lisandro León, Ludacris, Luke Evans, Magda Rodriguez, Mark Haldor, Matthew Stirling, Michelle Rodriguez, Paul Walker, Pilar Mayo, Revil Beat, Rita Ora, Rowena Diamond, Samuel M. Stewart, Sarah Yan Li, Shea Whigham, Sol de la Barreda, Sonia Hernández Fumero, Stephen Marcus, Sung Kang, Thure Lindhardt, Tyrese Gibson, Victor Gardener, Vin Diesel
Country: Hong Kong, Japan, Spain, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Original Film, Relativity Media, Universal Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $788,683,342