In this vibrant teen comedy directed by Darren Stein, the social dynamics of a high school are turned upside down when Tanner, an unassuming student, is outed as gay. This revelation sparks a competition among the school’s popular girls, who vie to make him their “Gay Best Friend” to boost their social status. The film features a talented cast, including Michael J. Willett, Sasha Pieterse, and Megan Mullally, and explores themes of identity, friendship, and acceptance with humor and heart. While it didn’t receive major awards, it gained a cult following for its witty script and colorful portrayal of high school life. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Darren Stein
Actors: Andrea Bowen, Derek Mio, Evanna Lynch, JoJo, Megan Mullally, Mia Rose Frampton, Michael J. Willett, Molly Tarlov, Paul Iacono, Sasha Pieterse, Taylor Frey, Xosha Roquemore
Country: United States of America
Company: Logolite Entertainment, Parting Shots Media, School Pictures