In this gripping narrative, two reporters delve into the illicit operations of the GAL (Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación), a covert terrorist group established in the 1980s. This organization, backed by prominent officials within the Spanish government and security agencies, was created with the mission to track down and eliminate both the members and supporters of the ETA terrorist organization.
Views: 3
Genre: Action, Drama, History, Thriller
Director: Miguel Courtois
Actors: Abel Folk, Ana Álvarez, Jordi Mollà, José Garcia, Manuel Galiana, Mar Regueras, Mercè Llorens, Natalia Verbeke, Ricard Borràs, Tomás del Estal
Country: Spain
Company: DRAX audio, Mai Juin Productions, Mundo Ficción
Worldwide Gross: $3,354,188