Set against the backdrop of World War I, this film follows the journey of two young Australian sprinters, Archy Hamilton and Frank Dunne, who enlist in the army and find themselves in the midst of the harrowing Gallipoli campaign. Directed by Peter Weir, the movie explores themes of friendship, courage, and the futility of war. Starring Mel Gibson and Mark Lee, the film is noted for its poignant storytelling and historical accuracy. While it did not win any major awards, it remains a significant work in Australian cinema. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Genre: Adventure, Drama, History, War
Director: Peter Weir
Actors: Bill Kerr, Charles Lathalu Yunipingu, Gerda Nicolson, Harold Hopkins, Heath Harris, Mark Lee, Mel Gibson, Robert Grubb, Ron Graham, Tim McKenzie
Country: Australia
Company: R&R Films, The Australian Film Commission
Worldwide Gross: $5,737,029