Set against the backdrop of the Spanish Civil War, this film weaves a tale of love and survival amidst the chaos of the infamous bombing of a Basque town. The narrative follows an American journalist and a local press office censor as they navigate the complexities of war, censorship, and their burgeoning relationship. Starring James D’Arcy and María Valverde, the film captures the human spirit’s resilience in the face of adversity. Directed by Koldo Serra, it offers a poignant look at a historical tragedy. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War
Director: Koldo Serra
Actors: Álex García, Bárbara Goenaga, Burn Gorman, Ingrid García-Jonsson, Irene Escolar, Jack Davenport, James D'Arcy, Joachim Paul Assböck, María Valverde, Natalia Álvarez-Bilbao
Country: Spain, United States of America
Company: Pecado Films, Sayaka Producciones Audiovisuales, Travis Producciones
Worldwide Gross: $396,764