A chilling tale unfolds as a group of young people stumble upon an abandoned house haunted by a malevolent spirit. The eerie atmosphere is heightened by the unsettling presence of a cursed doll, which holds the key to the house’s dark secrets. Directed by Umberto Lenzi, this horror film weaves a narrative filled with suspense and supernatural elements. While it may not have garnered any awards, it remains a cult favorite among horror enthusiasts. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Umberto Lenzi
Actors: Donald O'Brien, Greg Rhodes, Kate Silver, Kristen Fougerousse, Lara Wendel, Martin Jay, Mary Sellers, Robert Champagne, Ron Houck, Willy M. Moon
Country: Italy
Company: Filmirage, HiT Entertainment, HOT Animation Production