In this 1984 horror-comedy, a young man named Jonathan inherits a mysterious old mansion and soon becomes embroiled in the dark arts. As he delves deeper into the occult, he unwittingly summons mischievous and malevolent creatures that wreak havoc. The film features Peter Liapis and Lisa Pelikan in leading roles, with Luca Bercovici at the helm as director. Notably, the movie has gained a cult following over the years for its blend of horror and humor. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Luca Bercovici
Actors: Jack Nance, Lisa Pelikan, Mariska Hargitay, Michael Des Barres, Peter Liapis, Peter Risch, Ralph Seymour, Scott Thomson, Tamara De Treaux, Victoria Catlin
Country: United States of America
Company: Empire Pictures, Ghoulies Productions