Ginny Weds Sunny
In this romantic comedy directed by Puneet Khanna, the story revolves around Ginny, a headstrong woman, and Sunny, a man eager to settle down. Their paths cross when Sunny’s parents arrange a meeting, but Ginny is not interested in an arranged marriage. The film explores the dynamics of love, family expectations, and the pursuit of happiness. Starring Yami Gautam and Vikrant Massey, the movie offers a light-hearted take on modern relationships. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 11
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, Romance
Director: Puneet Khanna
Actors: Ayesha Raza, Ayesha Raza Mishra, Gurpreet Saini, Isha Talwar, Mazel Vyas, Menka Kurup, Rajiv Gupta, Sanchita Puri, Suhail Nayyar, Vikrant Massey, Yami Gautam
Country: India
Company: Soundarya Production, Soundrya Productions