Girl in the Closet
Based on true events, “Girl In the Closet” follows the story of 10-year-old Cameron. After her mother experienced an aneurysm, Cameron was taken in by her Aunt Mia, who lived with her husband and daughter. Shortly after moving into her new home, Cameron began to hear eerie, ghostly voices at night emanating from the locked basement door. She soon uncovered the grim truth behind the door: people were chained to the walls, victims of her aunt’s plot to profit from their benefit checks. Before long, Cameron herself was confined to the basement, where she remained for the next decade while authorities believed she was missing.
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Director: Jaira Thomas
Actors: Daijah Peters, Danielle LaRoach, David Dunston, Remy Ma, Stevie Baggs Jr., Tami Roman, Teisha Speight, Willie Raysor
Country: United States of America
Company: Swirl Films