Graduation Day
In this 1981 slasher film directed by Herb Freed, a high school track team is targeted by a mysterious killer following the tragic death of a star athlete during a race. As the graduation day approaches, the suspense builds with each gruesome murder, leaving the remaining students and faculty in a state of fear and paranoia. The film features performances by Christopher George and Linnea Quigley, adding to its cult status among horror enthusiasts. Notably, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Herb Freed
Actors: Billy Hufsey, Carmen Argenziano, Christopher George, E. Danny Murphy, E.J. Peaker, Linnea Quigley, Michael Pataki, Patch Mackenzie, Richard Balin, Virgil Frye
Country: United States of America
Company: Baughn/Freed Productions