Gran Torino
In this 2008 drama, Clint Eastwood stars as Walt Kowalski, a grizzled Korean War veteran who finds himself reluctantly drawn into the lives of his Hmong neighbors in a changing Detroit neighborhood. As tensions rise, Walt forms an unexpected bond with a young boy, leading to a journey of redemption and understanding. Directed by Eastwood himself, the film explores themes of prejudice, community, and personal growth. It received critical acclaim and won several awards, including a CĂ©sar Award for Best Foreign Film. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 27
Genre: Drama, Top250Movies
Director: Clint Eastwood
Actors: Ahney Her, Andrew Tamez-Hull, Antonio Mireles, Arnold Montey, Arthur Cartwright, Austin Douglas Smith, Bee Vang, Brian Haley, Brian Howe, Brooke Chia Thao, Carey Torrice, Carlos Guadarrama, Chee Thao, Choua Kue, Christopher Carley, Claudia Rodgers, Clint Eastwood, Clint Ward, Conor Liam Callaghan, Darline Bucchare, Davis Gloff, Doua Moua, Dreama Walker, Elvis Thao, Geraldine Hughes, Greg Trzaskoma, Jeffrey Feingold, Jeffrey Scott Basham, John Anton, John Carroll Lynch, John Johns, Julia Ho, Lee Mong Vang, Marty Bufalini, Maykao K. Lytongpao, Michael E. Kurowski, My-Ishia Cason-Brown, Nana Gbewonyo, Ramon Camacho, Rio Scafone, Rochelle Winter, Sarah Neubauer, Scott Eastwood, Shelagh Conley, Sonny Vue, Thomas D. Mahard, Tony Stef'Ano, Tru Hang, William C Fox, William Hill, Xia Soua Chang
Country: Germany, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Double Nickel Entertainment, Gerber Pictures, Matten Productions
Worldwide Gross: $269,958,228