Grease 2
Set in the early 1960s, this musical film follows the story of a new student, Michael Carrington, who arrives at Rydell High and falls for the leader of the Pink Ladies, Stephanie Zinone. As Michael attempts to win her heart, he undergoes a transformation to fit into the greaser culture that Stephanie admires. The film features performances by Michelle Pfeiffer and Maxwell Caulfield, with Patricia Birch at the helm as director. While it did not receive any major awards, it remains a cult favorite for its catchy musical numbers and nostalgic charm. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Comedy, Music, Musical, Romance
Director: Patricia Birch
Actors: Adrian Zmed, Alison Price, Christopher McDonald, Leif Green, Lorna Luft, Maureen Teefy, Maxwell Caulfield, Michelle Pfeiffer, Pamela Adlon, Peter Frechette
Country: United States of America
Company: Paramount Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $15,172,313