When Judy and Ham realize that the school thinks they don’t party, they set out with Aunt Dirt, Kima, Moon, and Crispin to find and party with Doug Delfino, a…
Judy and Kima worry they won’t find their perfect dates for prom. The rest of the family investigate a weird smell that’s been wafting through town.
Byron and Hazel appear in front of Congress. Jasper deepens his connection with Zelda while intensifying his search for the scientists. “Other Hazel” forges a path into the real world.
In the midst of Lunar New Year festivities in Chinatown, Nicky tries to help her newly-discovered cousin Mia understand her new reality. Meanwhile, as Nicky and Evan follow a lead…
With the Lunar New Year around the corner, a more confident and grounded Nicky finds herself in a great place in her relationship with Henry and with her family. However,…
After getting turned down for a job at a high-end restaurant, Tray stumbles into a position at a chain coffee shop. The twist – it’s owned by Wavy, the drug…
Professor Lampwick covers how everything is connected to the Bears when a hurricane rolls in. When the Bears are in three different locations, Grizz looks after Ranger Tabes’ Poppy Rangers,…
During Nom Nom’s new TV show, all his special guests end up unable to appear, so Nom Nom hires the Bears as the replacements, but each act gets ruined by…
After talking about his lost family on a talk show, Nom Nom is met with another Koala named Kyle who claims to be his brother. However, Nom Nom’s bodyguard begins…
Grizz screens an epic amateur movie he just made for a focus group, but when he notices people and animals are leaving he must figure out ways to keep the…
When the local lake is overcrowded with tourists, the Bears have fun at Charlie’s private lake. However, trouble rises when the Bears mistakenly make its presence known on social media.
When they learn that Ice Bear is a talented barista, the bears turn the cave into a popular coffee shop. However, things go awry when in order to keep up…