Mickey makes an outlandish request. Shira finds herself in an awkward position. Ema reacts with rage to a betrayal. A major mystery is solved, but Mickey finds himself in over…
Mickey and Spoon discover Ema’s big secret. To find Ashley, Rachel needs a gigantic favor from Troy. Mickey and Rachel trail a suspect to a surprising location. Mickey finds a…
The investigation into Ashley’s disappearance leads the gang to a dangerous man. As Mickey reunites with his mom, Shira bumps into an old friend. And in a town filled with…
When a respected businessman is found murdered, his surprising connection to Cosgrove’s daughter helps the police make a break in the case. Price and Maroun disagree on how to proceed…
While working at a go-kart complex, Charlie becomes involved in a bitter feud between an aging race car driver and a hotheaded young upstart, whose rivalry has explosive consequences.
Kanan returns to Queens where Raq is trying to mend the many fractures in the Thomas family. As Raq expands her empire, Kanan doubts his future in the drug game….
Max orchestrates a plan to get Dr. Fuentes terminated from New Amsterdam once and for all. Helen confronts her medical complication. Iggy helps two patients deal with a breakup, which…
Stabler asks Bell to have his back when they’re called in to defend their actions. Jet and Malachi work together to pin down Wheatley. Cho and Maldonado go undercover to…
Max takes drastic measures to help several undocumented immigrants after a fire destroys the church where had sought refuge; Sharpe and Malvo assist a patient with a life threatening condition;…
The team must determine if the kidnapping of a young Chinese-American woman is a random hate crime or if she was specifically targeted, in order to find her. Also, Jess…
Max reckons with New Amsterdam’s past. Bloom and Reynolds treat a patient in an unconventional relationship. Sharpe decides to take a stricter approach to parenting her frustrated teenage niece. Iggy…
Max is on a mission to deliver free broadband access. Reynolds treats a young girl with a gunshot wound. Sharpe gives difficult news to a long-time patient. Iggy is immensely…
Michaela and Saanvi have a similar vision, but it takes them some trial, error and teamwork to heed the call; Jared takes the fall for Michaela’s misstep at work; Ben…
Jamie and Eddie ask Erin to drop old charges against a man who bravely rescued a woman from a local hostage situation; Danny and Baez work a case involving car…
Danny and Baez work the case of a detective who was gunned down prior to testifying against a career criminal. Meanwhile, Frank personally investigates when Garrett is attacked by a…