One year has passed since the events of ”The Sound of Drums.” The Earth has been conquered and its population enslaved, the Doctor is the Master’s prisoner, and the warships…
Harry Saxon becomes Prime Minister and his reign of terror begins – but that’s only the start of his ambitions, as he announces mankind’s first contact with an alien race,…
Trainee doctor Martha Jones has her hands full balancing her medical studies with placating her demanding family. So the last thing she needs is to find that the hospital where…
MI-5 is put in charge of protecting Niko Grecic, the former right-hand of Tezlia, a Serbian who is put on trial for war crimes. They know that Richard Dempsey, a…
MI5 investigate the assassination of a Muslim cleric outside the high court, and uncover a radicalised Christian who is determined to incite a religious war.
The terrorists start to execute hostages in pursuit of their demand for the release of Al Qaeda prisoners held in Saudi Arabia, but suspicion arises as to the true identity…
Adam and Zaf try to find a group of terrorists who have infiltrated Britain. Ros oversees a visit by a delegation of Saudi princes offering a guaranteed oil supply in…
The government publishes its report on the investigation into death of seven terrorist suspects in a fire at a prison. Harry suspects a cover up, then discovers that one of…
Posted undercover at the World Trade Summit for Africa, the team discovers an assassination plot. Initially determined to put their lives on the line to prevent the murder, they are…
Zaf goes deep undercover to infiltrate an Al Qaeda cell that is planning an attack on the UK. When Adam learns that the terrorists are on a suicide mission he…
MI5 has foiled an attempt to murder the Home Secretary, but the plotters use the new emergency powers to imprison Harry. The team must try to frustrate the coup before…
The government introduces draconian emergency measures in response to a series of terrorist attacks. MI5 fear that influential establishment figures are behind the attacks and may be planning a coup.