”In the Shadow of Two Gunmen” is the two-part second season premiere of the American political drama television seriesThe West Wing. Both parts were written by Aaron Sorkin and directed…
Bartlet and the senior staff fly to California to attend an important fundraiser; Hoynes must decide whether he will support Bartlet’s stance or go with his convictions when the Senate…
Toby and Mandy push for a commerce bill with a census-counting provision, with three votes as the deciding factor; Sam tutors C.J. on the finer points of the census; Josh…
Susan has her hands full with a pregnant Chloe. Benton goes to dinner with Jeanie. Greene further alienates Swift when he decides to honor a family commitment rather than stay…
The Centauri are about to withdraw from a quadrant of space because the Narn are harassing them, when Londo gets an offer to take care of the problem. Meanwhile, Garibaldi…