Tensions on Earth and Mars come to a head.
Plans are made with interplanetary ramifications. Ed begins working with an unexpected partner.
Unlikely partnerships are formed at a high-stakes international conference.
Miles tries to make ends meet. Margo finds herself pulled into a dangerous situation.
BRAVO is called back to Syria to handle some unfinished business.
A missed opportunity deepens the mistrust between Jason and Omar, and puts Bravo and their partner force in the crosshairs of a powerful enemy.
BRAVO works with the YPJ to suss out who is responsible for the bombing of the U.S.S. Crampton while struggling to accept their newest Team Member.
BRAVO finds unlikely allies as they are deployed to Northern Syria to track down those responsible for the attack on the U.S.S. Crampton.
Chase and Zoe enter the lion’s den. As Harper ends one partnership, another begins.
Chase and Harper face decisive tests. Zoe finds a new path forward as old stories resurface.
Both Chase and Harper try to move forward with their plans, but their choices backfire.
Forced to flee, Chase finally tells Zoe the truth about his past, but it might be too late.