Hal Ashby, known for his intense dedication to his craft, created a remarkable series of Oscar®-winning films such as Harold and Maude, Shampoo, and Being There. However, while his peers like Coppola, Scorsese, and Spielberg achieved massive success with blockbuster hits in the 1980s, Ashby’s steadfast commitment to his artistic vision became a cautionary example of the tension between creativity and commercial success.
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Genre: Biography, Documentary
Director: Amy Scott
Actors: Allison Anders, Dustin Hoffman, Hal Ashby, Jane Fonda, Jeff Bridges, John C. Reilly, Jon Voight, Judd Apatow, Lee Grant, Rosanna Arquette
Country: United States of America
Company: Cartoon Network, Saboteur Media, Shark Pig
Worldwide Gross: $49,045