Halloweentown 2: Kalabars Revenge
In this enchanting sequel, the story follows Marnie Piper, played by Kimberly J. Brown, as she navigates the magical world of Halloweentown once more. This time, she faces a new threat from Kalabar’s son, who seeks revenge and aims to turn the human world into a realm of darkness. Debbie Reynolds reprises her role as the beloved grandmother Aggie Cromwell, adding charm and wisdom to the adventure. Directed by Mary Lambert, the film continues to explore themes of family, courage, and the importance of embracing one’s heritage. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy, TV Movie
Director: Mary Lambert
Actors: Blu Mankuma, Daniel Kountz, Debbie Reynolds, Emily Roeske, Joey Zimmerman, Judith Hoag, Kimberly J. Brown, Peter Wingfield, Phillip Van Dyke, Richard Side
Country: United States of America
Company: Just Singer Entertainment