Happy Go Lucky
Directed by Mike Leigh, this 2008 film follows the life of Poppy, a spirited and eternally optimistic primary school teacher in London, portrayed by Sally Hawkins. The narrative delves into her interactions with various people, including a troubled driving instructor, showcasing her unwavering positivity amidst life’s challenges. Sally Hawkins’ performance earned her a Silver Bear for Best Actress at the Berlin International Film Festival. The film is noted for its improvisational style, a hallmark of Leigh’s work. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Mike Leigh
Actors: Alexis Zegerman, Caroline Martin, Eddie Marsan, Kate O'Flynn, Oliver Maltman, Sally Hawkins, Samuel Roukin, Sarah Niles, Stanley Townsend, Sylvestra Le Touzel
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Film4, Ingenious Film Partners, Special Treats Production Company
Worldwide Gross: $18,696,602