Happy New Year, Charlie Brown
In this charming animated special, the beloved Peanuts gang navigates the excitement and challenges of ringing in the New Year. Charlie Brown finds himself in a predicament as he struggles to complete a book report on “War and Peace” over the holiday break, while also dealing with the pressures of hosting a New Year’s Eve party. The film captures the essence of childhood dilemmas and friendships, featuring the iconic characters created by Charles M. Schulz. Directed by Bill Melendez, this heartwarming tale is a delightful addition to the Peanuts series. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 9
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family, Kids, New Year's Eve, Short, TV Movie
Director: Bill Melendez, Sam Jaimes
Actors: Aron Mandelbaum, Bill Melendez, Chad Allen, Elizabeth Lyn Fraser, Jason Mendelson, Jeremy Miller, Kristie Baker, Melissa Guzzi
Country: United States of America
Company: Bill Melendez Productions, Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates, Lee Mendelson Film Productions