In this 2010 film directed by Xavier Dolan, the story revolves around two close friends, Francis and Marie, who both fall for the same enigmatic young man named Nicolas. As their infatuation grows, the friends find themselves caught in a web of jealousy and unspoken desires, testing the limits of their friendship. The film is noted for its stylish visual flair and exploration of unrequited love. It stars Xavier Dolan, Monia Chokri, and Niels Schneider. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Xavier Dolan
Actors: Anne Dorval, Anne-Élisabeth Bossé, Bénédicte Décary, Éric Bruneau, Gabriel Lessard, Magalie Lépine-Blondeau, Monia Chokri, Niels Schneider, Olivier Morin, Xavier Dolan
Country: Canada
Company: Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit (CPTC), Mifilifilms, Quebec Film and Television Tax Credit
Worldwide Gross: $843,423