Hell Comes to Frogtown
In a post-apocalyptic world where fertility is a rare commodity, a rugged drifter named Sam Hell, played by professional wrestler Roddy Piper, is tasked with rescuing a group of fertile women from a mutant amphibian warlord. The film blends elements of science fiction and action with a touch of humor, creating a unique cult classic experience. Directed by Donald G. Jackson, it showcases a bizarre yet intriguing narrative that has garnered a dedicated fanbase over the years. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Donald G. Jackson, R.J. Kizer
Actors: Brian Frank, Cec Verrell, Cliff Bemis, Eyde Byrde, Kristi Somers, Nicholas Worth, Roddy Piper, Rory Calhoun, Sandahl Bergman, William Smith
Country: United States of America
Company: New World Pictures