Hell Riders
In this 1984 action film, a small town is terrorized by a ruthless motorcycle gang, leading to chaos and violence. The story follows a determined woman who becomes entangled in the gang’s activities and must find a way to survive their brutal onslaught. Notable for its gritty portrayal of biker culture, the film features performances by Adam West and Tina Louise. Directed by James Bryan, it captures the raw energy of 1980s exploitation cinema. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: James Bryan
Actors: Adam West, Cheryl Louise Crandall, Frank Millen, Frank Neuhaus, Lynn Whitmire, Melanie Scott, Renee Harmon, Ross Alexander, Tania Anatole, Tina Louise
Country: United States of America
Company: Ciara Productions