In this 2021 film directed by Justin Lee, a small desert town becomes the battleground for a group of residents who must confront a demonic cult intent on unleashing hell on Earth. The movie features a notable cast, including veteran actors like Tony Todd and Adrienne Barbeau, who bring depth to the intense and suspenseful narrative. As the townspeople band together to fight the supernatural threat, the film explores themes of courage and unity in the face of overwhelming evil. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Justin Lee
Actors: Adrienne Barbeau, Bruce Dern, Courtney Gains, Crash Buist, Danielle Gross, Edward Finlay, Greg Beaton, Meg Foster, Mike Ferguson, Tony Todd
Country: United States of America
Company: Benetone Films, Hillin Entertainment, Legion XIII