In this horror film directed by Bruce McDonald, a young girl named Dora Vogel finds herself home alone on Halloween night, only to be terrorized by a group of sinister trick-or-treaters. As the night unfolds, Dora must confront her deepest fears and fight for her survival against these malevolent forces. The film stars Chloe Rose and Robert Patrick, delivering intense performances that heighten the suspense. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, the movie’s atmospheric tension and unique take on the Halloween horror genre make it a noteworthy watch. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Bruce McDonald
Actors: Chloe Rose, Luke Bilyk, Peter DaCunha, Rachel Wilson, Robert Patrick, Rossif Sutherland
Country: Canada
Company: Storyteller Pictures, Whizbang Films
Worldwide Gross: $14,485