In this 1987 horror film, a man named Frank Cotton discovers a mysterious puzzle box that opens a portal to a hellish dimension inhabited by the Cenobites, led by the iconic Pinhead. After a gruesome encounter, Frank’s brother Larry and his wife Julia move into Frank’s old house, where they unwittingly become entangled in the dark forces unleashed by the box. The film, directed by Clive Barker, is known for its groundbreaking special effects and unique blend of horror and fantasy. Starring Andrew Robinson and Clare Higgins, it has become a cult classic in the horror genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Clive Barker
Actors: Andrew Robinson, Ashley Laurence, Clare Higgins, Doug Bradley, Grace Kirby, Nicholas Vince, Oliver Smith, Robert Hines, Sean Chapman, Simon Bamford
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Film Futures, New World Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $14,579,541