Hellraiser: Revelations
In this installment of the horror franchise, two friends, Steven and Nico, embark on a trip to Mexico, where they encounter a mysterious puzzle box that unleashes a world of pain and pleasure. As their families search for them, they uncover dark secrets and face the terrifying Cenobites. Directed by Víctor García, the film explores themes of desire and consequence. Notably, this entry in the series was produced with a limited budget and a quick production schedule. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Horror
Director: Víctor García
Actors: Daniel Buran, Devon Sorvari, Fred Tatasciore, Jay Gillespie, Nick Eversman, Sanny van Heteren, Sebastien Roberts, Stephan Smith Collins, Steven Brand, Tracey Fairaway
Country: United States of America
Company: Dimension Films, Neo Art & Logic