Hider in the House
In this psychological thriller, Gary Busey stars as a disturbed man who secretly takes up residence in the attic of a suburban family’s home. As he becomes increasingly obsessed with the family, his presence begins to disrupt their lives in unsettling ways. The film explores themes of invasion of privacy and the hidden dangers lurking within seemingly safe environments. Directed by Matthew Patrick, this tense narrative keeps viewers on edge as the family’s safety is jeopardized by the unseen intruder. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Matthew Patrick
Actors: Bruce Glover, Candace Hutson, Chuck Lafont, Elizabeth Ruscio, Gary Busey, Kurt Christopher Kinder, Leonard Termo, Michael McKean, Mimi Rogers, Peter Henry Schroeder
Country: United States of America
Company: Baltimore Pictures, Precision Films