Set in a dystopian 1970s Britain, this film explores the social dynamics within a luxurious high-rise building where the residents’ lives spiral into chaos. The story follows Dr. Robert Laing, played by Tom Hiddleston, as he navigates the increasingly volatile environment, marked by class warfare and moral decay. The film features a strong ensemble cast, including Jeremy Irons and Sienna Miller, and is directed by Ben Wheatley. While it did not receive major awards, it is notable for its striking visual style and commentary on societal structures. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Ben Wheatley
Actors: Dan Renton Skinner, Daniel Renton Skinner, Elisabeth Moss, James Purefoy, Jeremy Irons, Luke Evans, Peter Ferdinando, Reece Shearsmith, Sienna Miller, Stacy Martin, Tom Hiddleston
Country: Belgium, United Kingdom
Company: British Film Institute (BFI), Film4, HanWay Films
Worldwide Gross: $4,289,074