High Strung Free Dance
In this vibrant dance film, the story follows a talented young choreographer, Zander Raines, who is tasked with creating a Broadway show that could make or break his career. The narrative intertwines the lives of two aspiring artists, a dancer named Barlow and a pianist named Charlie, as they navigate the challenges and opportunities of the competitive world of performing arts. The film features standout performances by Thomas Doherty and Juliet Doherty, who bring their characters to life with passion and skill. Directed by Michael Damian, the movie showcases a blend of breathtaking dance sequences and an engaging storyline. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Michael Damian
Actors: Ace Bhatti, Giulia Nahmany, Harry Jarvis, Jane Seymour, Jorgen Makena, Juliet Doherty, Kerrynton Jones, Kika Markham, Nataly Santiago, Thomas Doherty
Country: Romania, United States of America
Company: Castel Film Studio, Riviera Films
Worldwide Gross: $235,066