Home Alone 4
In this family comedy, a young boy finds himself once again left to his own devices during the holiday season. As his parents are away, he must defend his father’s lavish mansion from a pair of bumbling burglars. The film features French Stewart and Missi Pyle in prominent roles, bringing a mix of humor and chaos to the story. Directed by Rod Daniel, this installment continues the tradition of clever traps and comedic mishaps. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Family, TV Movie
Director: Rod Daniel
Actors: Barbara Babcock, Chelsea Russo, Clare Carey, Erick Avari, French Stewart, Gideon Jacobs, Jason Beghe, Joanna Going, Mike Weinberg, Missi Pyle
Country: United States of America, Zambia
Company: 20th Century Fox Television, Fox Television Studios