“HONDROS” delves into the life and career of renowned war photographer Chris Hondros, shedding light on the moving and often unexpected stories behind his most acclaimed photographs. Motivated by a dedication to document contemporary conflicts following the 9/11 attacks, Chris emerged as a leading figure among a new wave of war photographers since the Vietnam era. The film navigates the intricate challenges of covering over a decade of warfare while striving to lead a normal life. It also explores the complex and often instantaneous decisions involving life and death that Chris faced before, during, and after capturing his images. Although Chris tragically lost his life in Libya in 2011, his profound influence on the field of photojournalism endures.
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Genre: Biography, Documentary, War
Director: Greg Campbell
Actors: Chris Hondros, Greg Campbell, Jonathan Klein, Justin Merriman, Mike Kamber, Pancho Bernasconi, Tim Hetherington, Timothy Fadek, Todd Heisler, Tyler Hicks
Country: Canada, Iraq, Liberia, Libya, United States of America
Company: Bold Films, Fox Tale Films, Nine Stories Productions