In a tranquil town, life takes an unexpected turn with the arrival of a mysterious family, featuring the statuesque Louisa and her strikingly handsome teenage sons. Sixteen-year-old Hilary is diligently striving for academic success, eager to break free from the small-town existence that her family has known for generations. However, the enigmatic family’s appearance just weeks before the school year ends makes life suddenly intriguing. Hilary’s father is immediately captivated by Louisa, while Hilary herself feels a deep connection with the middle son, Kadin, despite her better judgment. As the town falls under the enchanting influence of the young men, only Hilary perceives the unusual bond that unites them and the extreme measures they will take to fulfill their mother’s desires, until it becomes too late to act.
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Director: Nicki Harris
Actors: Connie Shi, Emerald Rose Sullivan, Garrett Richmond, Jane Wiedlin, Justin Parks, Kerry Logan, Lorin Partalis, Nathan Ross Murphy, Pokey Spears, Rocco Michaluk
Country: United States of America