Hotel Splendide
Set on a remote island, this dark comedy follows the eccentric Blanche family as they run a dilapidated health spa, where guests are subjected to bizarre treatments and strict dietary regimens. The arrival of Kath, a former employee with a mysterious past, disrupts the family’s routine and sparks a series of comedic and dramatic events. The film features performances by Toni Collette and Daniel Craig, adding depth to its quirky narrative. Directed by Terence Gross, the movie offers a unique blend of humor and surrealism. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 1
Genre: Comedy
Director: Terence Gross
Actors: Claire Cathcart, Daniel Craig, Helen McCrory, Hugh O'Conor, Joerg Stadler, John Boswall, Katrin Cartlidge, Peter Vaughan, Stephen Tompkinson, Toni Collette
Country: France, United Kingdom
Company: Canal+, Charles Gassot, FilmFour