House of Dust
In this chilling horror film directed by A.D. Calvo, a group of college students unwittingly unleash a malevolent spirit after breaking into an abandoned mental asylum. As they explore the eerie ruins, they discover the dark history of the institution and the tormented souls that once resided there. The film stars Inbar Lavi and Steven Grayhm, who deliver compelling performances as they navigate the terrifying consequences of their actions. While the movie did not receive any notable awards, it offers an intriguing exploration of supernatural horror. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 55
Director: A.D. Calvo
Actors: Alesandra Assante, Eddie Hassell, Holland Roden, Inbar Lavi, John Lee Ames, Joy Jorgensen, Stephen Spinella, Steven Grayhm
Country: United States of America
Company: Budderfly Productions, Goodnight Film, Monolith Pictures (II)