Howling VI The Freaks
In this 1991 horror film directed by Hope Perello, a mysterious drifter named Ian Richards arrives in a small town and becomes entangled with a traveling carnival. The carnival, led by the enigmatic R.B. Harker, harbors dark secrets and a collection of unusual performers, known as “The Freaks.” As tensions rise, Ian’s own hidden past and supernatural abilities come to light, leading to a climactic confrontation. The film features performances by actors such as Brendan Hughes and Bruce Payne. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Hope Perello
Actors: Antonio Fargas, Brendan Hughes, Bruce Payne, Carol Lynley, Christopher Morley, Deep Roy, Gary Carlos Cervantes, Jered Barclay, Michele Matheson, Sean Sullivan
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Allied Entertainments Group PLC, Allied Vision