The narrative follows the journey of Polish pilots who battled for their homeland’s freedom while soaring through foreign skies. The story is recounted from the perspective of Jan Zumbach, a daring fighter ace and adventurer. It chronicles how these Polish aviators, forced to flee across Europe by the advancing German forces, ultimately made their final stand. Piloting Hurricanes for the RAF in the skies over Britain, they became an integral part of the legendary group known as ‘The Few’. Facing the formidable Luftwaffe, they aspired to preserve the hope of a liberated Poland by defending Great Britain from Nazi invasion.
Director: David Blair
Actors: Iwan Rheon, Kryštof Hádek, Marcin Dorociński, Milo Gibson, Nicholas Farrell, Phil McKee, Robert Portal, Sam Hoare, Stefanie Martini, Teresa Mahoney
Country: Poland, United Kingdom
Company: Film Slate One, Head Gear Films, Metrol Technology
Worldwide Gross: $2,137,751