I Am Elizabeth Smart
In June 2002, 14-year-old Elizabeth Ann Smart (played by Alana Boden) was kidnapped from her residence in Salt Lake City by Brian David Mitchell (portrayed by Skeet Ulrich), a man driven by religious extremism. He took her to a secluded camp in the hills, where he, along with his disturbed partner Wanda Barzee (played by Deirdre Lovejoy), kept Elizabeth imprisoned. During her captivity, she endured starvation, drugging, sexual assault, and strange religious ceremonies. After nine harrowing months, Elizabeth managed to orchestrate her own escape.
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Genre: Biography, Crime, Documentary, Drama
Director: Sarah Walker
Actors: Alana Boden, Anne Openshaw, Deirdre Lovejoy, Elizabeth Smart, George Newbern, Graem Beddoes, Jazmine Campanale, London Cardinal, Sarah Madison Barrow, Skeet Ulrich
Country: United States of America